Guess what's back for the summer season?! If you guessed Paul's Advice On All Things Life you are correct! Now, give yourself a pat on the back.
I am actually excited to be back on my home grounds. It's been quite sometime since I really had the proper time to blog. Super busy with my new music career launch. Speaking of which if you haven't had the chance to preview the new single for my upcoming debut electronic dance album you can right here. (iTunes) By the way make sure there is no confusion between me and the other Paul Travis who is a singer-songwriter also. My team and I have been in contact because some issues have occurred within that situation. Paul's Advice On All Things Life is going to run for 7 weeks this summer. One post a week with a different topic. For those of you here for the first time I had fans send me a bunch of questions via email and I pick 5 to feature with topics under their need for advice. You can always send your questions as I am working hard to answer each one even if it isn't on the blog! Let's get down to business! I chose Career for this weeks topic of advice. Difference Between A Job & Career? A career to me is something you dedicate your life, heart and soul to. A job is a place where you dream of something better. I had both. Before I was blessed to take a leap of faith and make my dream a reality I was placed in a work place where I was trapped. Surrounded by plain walls and the time ticked away as I prayed for my big escape. It's hard trying to fit yourself into places you don't belong. In order to find your career you really need to stop, think and truly listen to your heart. Ask yourself what makes you happy? What is something you always wanted to do? Never worry about the how. If it's meant for you, it will happen in the proper course of time. Not many people like to hear it because of how impatient they could be. I'm included in that. Being a writer patience is basically like 45 percent of your job. A good example is my music career. It took me 5 years to find the perfect person to help me with my sound and without any doubt in my mind I always knew I would do music, I finally did! The album is set to come out this July! Even in your career you come across hurdles, negativity and feel overwhelmed, but in those occurrences never lose sight of your main goal. I had a reader recently comment on a post I did and she stated she was sick of my platonic posts that no one could use in real life and ended it with BORING! Even though I felt the post was a beautiful quote because it helps me in my everyday life to continue my positive mindset which is vital to your career. Truthfully she doesn't need to come back. She just thought she was cute posting that comment. I don't need her nastiness here. No one can understand the true appreciation of your career besides you. Yes, you will have people adore everything you do. I have been blessed with a strong fanbase, but you truly need to appreciate what you do. In those moments is when you realize exactly what a career is. I can go on and on about this, but let's get down to the 5 questions I picked! 1. What is the biggest hurdle you had to overcome in your career? How can I stay strong during any hurdle I have within mine? My biggest hurdle was getting people to understand how serious I was without doubting my efforts. I also had to get people to pay attention to me. Even then people still don't give me a chance. Just recently I sent my song before it was released to a few friends who I thought would be excited for me, but 4 of them responded to me. I am hurt but they can kiss my ass. I am not going to be having anyone control my emotions in my happy place! From my own personal experience being what they call a jack of all traits really helps because when you have a project in the waiting zone you can focus on something else which will take your mind off of the hurdle. Like for me, I have my two columns, my blogs, music, modeling and books. It never stops and I don't have time to focus on anything negative. 2. How do you handle the stress of working in the public? As I am getting ready to finish college and start my very own career I would like to know from the fabulous diva himself. I just go with the flow and take charge when needed. I am very bossy and love to have the control, but I know when to step back. It gets rid of the pressure. I also say there is always tomorrow, but in reality when I say that I am up all night trying to finish whatever I need. Congrats on your next big career move! I know you're going to do just fabulous. 3. When in your career did you feel under appreciated? Many of us in our jobs feel like that. How do you maintain your drive? Many times I have in an outer space , but it's normal. You can give your best efforts and people just don't care. On my internal never because I give my heart and soul into everything I do. If you feel as if you are doing your best then you have nothing to worry about, but if you feel like you can step it up a notch give yourself that push. You'll enjoy the outcome. 4. Where do you find the courage to leave your comfortable zone? You basically done it all! I sometimes find myself scared of the unknown. Never fear what you don't know because in those times is when you truly grow! I just go with it. If I want it I will do whatever it takes to make it happen, but at the sometime I allow the flow to take me. Making it an effortless ride even when I do hit bumps I have been able to keep myself grounded. I have moments of weakness and self-doubt, but again it makes us human. Just go do it. Be yourself. Be wild. Be free! 5. Are you good at taking constructive criticism? What advice do you give for those of us who aren't? Yes I am very good at taking the criticism if it's coming from the right place. I am very good at feeling peoples energy. I know the difference between a hater and someone who wants to see you succeed. It all depends on the source. Start there and decide what action you should take. Never let the words of others derail you. |
About:Life is so unexpected, agree? It's our never ending movie with twists & turns. Those cameras around focus so deeply that at times become so intense you wish you could escape. Images flash as memories trapped never fade. You struggle for a single breath of fresh air, hope for new light to vanish away the darkness or maybe ignite a spark to help see your goal. I am beyond grateful to share that fans sent a tremendous amount of support wanting me to help guide them to a better successful life! This is the podcast page and blog for Paul's Advice On All Things Life. Please read the disclaimer stating I am in no way responsible for any adverse effects and this is informational only: Terms & Conditions
October 2016