I am a beautiful, powerful born Tigress- Paul Travis
Tigress for me is a moment I've longed for since I was a kid. In society the definition means a fierce passionate woman. I couldn't find a word to describe a fierce passionate man...so with Tigress I am redefining the meaning, breaking boundaries and clawing a new light. Before we begin check out my definition of a Tigress:
I was always told I have an eye of a tiger and those beautiful animals my soul was always drawn to, plus I love my cats! I was working on my second poetry book when my boyfriend took me to Maine where he once lived. It wasn't far from the harbor of which he worked. He reminded me of a tiger because if anyone is stronger than me, it's him. He is the only man I've ever listened with anything- he's the King.
At the end of the night a rush of words formed in my eyes. Visions of different objects and colors circled for a few seconds. I opened my phone to type what I was seeing, Tigress, the poem was formed. "This will be my album title one day," I thought to myself as I stared out the big glass window which had a tint. When the time passed I had many different titles for my music. For The Gods was suppose to be the album, which was released and I had it taken down because it wasn't the right one. It wasn't me. I was hiding behind a persona. Working in the studio this summer non-stop has been a fun a challenging experience. I pushed my fears, dug deep into my for better and worst and found the music I am suppose to share. Currently still in the writing process. It's fun because I have free range of everything. This album saved me from my depression, which for some odd reason became rapid towards the middle of this year. Like the wild and free spirit I am there was no cage about to capture me, though. The universe brought me the music right when the time was right. I will share more details of each individual song when the time comes for the album. Pretty Killer, the first single is set to come out 9.2.16. It is the unleashing of your Tigress! Sorry if I confused anyone with so many different releases and titles, you are just part of my creative process and nothing is ever set in stone until it's released! So, let me sum it up. Where did the title Tigress come from? It came from understanding myself in some way because I am always learning something new, accepting who I was and not being afraid of my past, present and future. I hope to have you follow along on my music journey because it will be one you won't forget! Pretty Killer, the debut single comes out 9.2.16 and you can preview it below! I love you all with my whole heart and soul! xx- Paul
What's My Blog About?Life, advice, beauty, style and of course all things fabulous.
Paul TravisSassy, Fun, Creative & A Bit Dramatic // Follow Me On My Journey. Stay Cute, xo Categories
January 2025
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