Anyone interested in knowing about a few projects I can share some info! With my novel going into final edit before I meet with agents the length was 65,000 words: anything between 55K to 70K is your average 300+ pages! Also, I have 5 agents that I would like to meet with! Today, I sent the authors note for my memoir (this won't be out for a little while) and I got great feedback: "Right from the heart, and real! I love it!" This is what happens when you're suppose to be writing but get distracted by everything! Thank God I'm ahead of deadlines! Courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. With much opinions being thrown around about courage, and heroic deeds I have to take the time to write this. Recently, Caitlyn Jenner is the center of an amazing honor, which I think she greatly deserves. Why? For many reasons. You have two sides here ones who criticize, and the other applauding what she has accomplished. It leaves many at thought with what is a hero?
I can tell you bringing somebody down for their courage isn't an act of a hero, so if you're one of them realize you aren't on the playing field to open your mouth. With every great act of bravery comes those people who speak negativity. The enemy hides behind something because they know the truth will ruin everything they once believed and take away the control so many want. Maybe Caitlyn isn't your hero, but for many people she will be/is. Such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and many others who have changed the course of history to better the world we live in. Yes, Miss. Jenner is just like them. This isn't about you, or what you feel, it is about the people who will benefit from it. Have some respect for those who need to hear the voice that is rising up to finally help the cries that have been heard for generations. Obviously you couldn't do anything for the lost souls, but now help is here. God has taken part to help them. Don't get in the way. For those ladies who say, "She isn't a women," realize you're just jealous, and for those men who say, "That's disgusting," realize she don't want you so mind your business. A hero comes in many forms whether it be a mother, a father, grandparents, a nurse, a teacher, a doctor, a writer, a musician, an artist, a boyfriend, girlfriend, a transgender, an actress or any person who takes the courage to help not only themselves but anyone in need. Someone that shares their voice, and sets a great example. Someone who sees a problem and realizes it is up to them to save it. Someone who shares their experiences by being who they are! Clearly, we're all hero's in one way or another...right? So, what is the problem? It's something to do with you, not her, me or anyone. Let me share something, in my life all the reasons that made me different, are the very reason why I am who I am. Some words people said about me that could have hurt but didn't were he's bossy, overpowering, overwhelming, he needs to much control, he's annoying, but in reality those mean, he knows what he wants, he gets the job done, he doesn't give up, he tries to share a better road because he knows how it is to walk alone and he cares too much about who he loves or opens his heart to anyone in need. All those reasons that some people tried to make me feel beneath them are how I can run my rising brand. I am grateful that God has given me those skills to help me achieve my dreams. I am grateful to God everyday. A hero is someone who takes a stand for who they are no matter what anyone will say, because those who have the right perspective will see the greatness that is on the horizon. If you want to find the hero within you try finding your purpose, instead of attacking others for doing theirs For me, it is writing, performing and just allowing my creative energies to share things I know, have learned and will learn. Big things are coming for me personally and I can't wait to share, but I also can't wait to keep growing with this beautiful world. Thank you, and enjoy life! Love, Paul I wanted to share a piece of poetry that I wrote for my Mom as a present. Today, July 4th is her birthday. She is a women of much strength, compassion, bravery, kindness and can be feisty. There is no other women like her and none could ever compare. From the way she cheers me on as I keep turning my dreams into reality and even how she had open arms to my boyfriend. Family is important to me and to see how she reached out to grow her very own relationship with the man I love just showed more beauty to the person she is. America celebrates independence on this beautiful day, which is something my Mom taught me about own independence. To be proud of who I am, to stand up for what I believe, to never give up and to be free so I can be happy. Her guidance has brought me to this point in my life and I look forward to where it will take me.
Mom, Happy Birthday! Thanks for everything and I love you. |
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December 2017