Hey! just wanted to let the followers of this blog know that I moved my main blog over to my brand new one, 'A Lifestyle Created From Being Too Sassy!' Please follow that one if you already follow this one, because this will no longer be occupied. I love and appreciate the support from you guys! Click on the picture and you should be re-directed. Stay cute, xoxo
The big story here is all of that was only the beginning. Wait till you see what I have coming your way because this was only my prologue - Paul I had a great team meeting not too long ago about what gift I could give to my incredible fans, family and friends! As an early Christmas present, I am releasing a FREE mini-ebook inspired from Paul's Advice On All Things Life. I want each of you to end, and to start your year with the confidence you deserve! Thank you to my team for the cover, editing, and doing the book details- Paul xo With many glitches in society today fans come to me for advice. I have come up with a new concept for Paul's Advice On All Things Life: Unleashing The Diva. The first part is released, and Madea will be coming along for the journey-I use pictures of her. Unleashing The Diva is all about you, and allowing your best attributes to shine. Thanks so much for all the love! xo
Courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. With much opinions being thrown around about courage, and heroic deeds I have to take the time to write this. Recently, Caitlyn Jenner is the center of an amazing honor, which I think she greatly deserves. Why? For many reasons. You have two sides here ones who criticize, and the other applauding what she has accomplished. It leaves many at thought with what is a hero?
I can tell you bringing somebody down for their courage isn't an act of a hero, so if you're one of them realize you aren't on the playing field to open your mouth. With every great act of bravery comes those people who speak negativity. The enemy hides behind something because they know the truth will ruin everything they once believed and take away the control so many want. Maybe Caitlyn isn't your hero, but for many people she will be/is. Such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and many others who have changed the course of history to better the world we live in. Yes, Miss. Jenner is just like them. This isn't about you, or what you feel, it is about the people who will benefit from it. Have some respect for those who need to hear the voice that is rising up to finally help the cries that have been heard for generations. Obviously you couldn't do anything for the lost souls, but now help is here. God has taken part to help them. Don't get in the way. For those ladies who say, "She isn't a women," realize you're just jealous, and for those men who say, "That's disgusting," realize she don't want you so mind your business. A hero comes in many forms whether it be a mother, a father, grandparents, a nurse, a teacher, a doctor, a writer, a musician, an artist, a boyfriend, girlfriend, a transgender, an actress or any person who takes the courage to help not only themselves but anyone in need. Someone that shares their voice, and sets a great example. Someone who sees a problem and realizes it is up to them to save it. Someone who shares their experiences by being who they are! Clearly, we're all hero's in one way or another...right? So, what is the problem? It's something to do with you, not her, me or anyone. Let me share something, in my life all the reasons that made me different, are the very reason why I am who I am. Some words people said about me that could have hurt but didn't were he's bossy, overpowering, overwhelming, he needs to much control, he's annoying, but in reality those mean, he knows what he wants, he gets the job done, he doesn't give up, he tries to share a better road because he knows how it is to walk alone and he cares too much about who he loves or opens his heart to anyone in need. All those reasons that some people tried to make me feel beneath them are how I can run my rising brand. I am grateful that God has given me those skills to help me achieve my dreams. I am grateful to God everyday. A hero is someone who takes a stand for who they are no matter what anyone will say, because those who have the right perspective will see the greatness that is on the horizon. If you want to find the hero within you try finding your purpose, instead of attacking others for doing theirs For me, it is writing, performing and just allowing my creative energies to share things I know, have learned and will learn. Big things are coming for me personally and I can't wait to share, but I also can't wait to keep growing with this beautiful world. Thank you, and enjoy life! Love, Paul Bravo Lifetime! Part 1 of The Secret Life Of Marilyn Monroe was captivating, it pulled on your heartstrings and Kelli Garner was the best Marilyn Monroe I have ever seen. Most importantly it really shared the truth of Marilyn Monroe by giving you a whole new insight to one of the greatest icons that has ever lived in the public eye. The mini-series is based off of the best selling biography The Secret Life Of Marilyn Monroe by Author J.Randy Taraborrelli. (which is a great read) The title starts off with Marilyn Monroe looking for the perfect outfit as Doctor Alan DeShields played by Jack Noseworthy is coming over to try and help her. Marilyn confides in him and opens up about her life. Similar to the book written by George Barris " Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words: Marilyn Monroe's Revealing Last Words" . Part 1 covers her sick Mother Gladys, her foster home with Ida plus Grace, whom is Gladys best friend and did her best to give Marilyn what she needed. You go through her beginning as she strives to become a well-known actress by taking gigs to make money in the starving business until she would then hit her big break. Because if your in the movies you'll be famous. If you're famous everyone will love you- Marilyn Monroe Wishing you all a Happy Fabulous Easter. I want to take the time to announce a special campaign: As writers it’s very easy to say we have a full agenda each day…right? Either we are crafting, promoting, researching, advancing ourselves by taking classes, but we can’t forget the things that need to be done in our daily lives outside of work. I have seen a few of my writing friends struggle with keeping on task, committing and I could see the guilt in their eyes. One mustn’t worry because I may have the words you need to help you organize your day and staying on task to complete your amazing masterpiece. The Three Must Haves In order to give your best self you must be sure that you have three things to take your worries, fears and distractions-I know sometimes it can be challenging, but it’s for your benefit. We all have a different set of responsibilities we must complete so I am giving a basic summary which you can take and apply to your day! I am sure by now you are wondering what exactly these three must haves are. In order to have a structured day you need to have a clear mind and these three things will help ensure it!... Preview my Guest Post over on http://selfpublishersshowcase.com
Fabulously Single and Perfect Ever After
I am sending my second valentine’s day with my boyfriend this Saturday but before him I never had anyone on that day. I was 21 when I was able to say I finally had my first valentine which made me feel so grateful for this holiday. I have separated the categories into two with insight, and helpful advice to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style.
Fabulously Single 1. I always bought myself a new outfit and wore it. Treat yourself to some new clothes! 2. Selfies anyone? I think so. By now you should have that new outfit, or best outfit picked out and on your body. Take your phone and start snapping! Pick the best ones and upload to all your social media accounts (Don’t forget the special hashtags and if you want you can hashtag #fabulouslysingle) You will see once those likes come pouring in you'll realize how beautiful you truly are. 3. To end my night I use to buy myself candy from Gertrude Hawks- Peanut Butter Smidgeons to be exact. I would change into comfy clothes, put on a romantic movie and eat my candy. Don’t forget you uploaded your selfies letting potential valentines know you are fabulously single! Perfect Ever After 1. New outfit? Or his/her favorite color on you? Either way be sure to place on as a reminder to why you are the perfect Valentine. (Even if you guys are just staying in!) 2. Buy each other a gift. Don’t do a one sided exchange…so not cool. 3. A good gift is always from the heart. 4. Be sure to let them know how much you love them and how grateful you are to have them because one day you both won’t be there physically. 5. Have fun. Enjoy. Always celebrate love. (If you want you can hashtag you and your partner with #perfecteverafter) Spread The Love
I hope you guys enjoyed but before I forget how about poetry? I mean everyone loves some poetry…right? Treat yourself, or someone you love with my new poetry book Who I Am: Poetry for just 2.99 on kindle! I wish all the blessings and love as you celebrate the wonderful holiday of Valentine’s Day!
Happiness: A mental or emotional state of well being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy: Happiness
Be Happy For You And Others |
Have you purchased the debut best selling poetic memoir Who I Am: Poetry? Get your copy now for 2.99! Remember it's not just poetry...it's a story. |
Confidence within is one of the greatest gifts given to your everyday self- Paul
One day I woke up, and said to myself, "I am ready for a change." At the time I was still at my parents, and I started by going into my closet to find pieces I longer wanted. Being grateful for the amount of money spent on my clothing I didn't throw them away, I placed them in a bag, and brought them to the Salvation Army drop off. It was time to start my fashion makeover. |
Reality Of Beauty
Personal Everyday Tips
Always make sure your overall outfit motivates you.
• So be sure you have something prepared, and waiting for you to show off.
Balance out your mind, and heart before leaving the house, or starting your daily routine.
• Get up a half hour earlier. Take some time to yourself. The morning is the perfect time to gain some sanity. I wake at 3 a.m everyday. Even if it just means laying in bed next to my boyfriend (which is one of my favorite things to do) I always be sure to have a balanced mind before I start anything. This is my favorite tip. A beautiful mind can do many amazing things.
Even what others won't see make sure it makes you feel sexy!
• I only buy sexy underwear with my man in mind of course. If your single don't go showing it off in your x-rated picture. Instead of trying to get some ass, keep the class. That's far from beautiful. Society may portray otherwise, but seriously. Be sexy, but classy. A mystery only one man/women can solve. That might be the reason why your still single, and definitely don't cheat. (What you give, is what you will get) Save yourself from it. Feel free to take those x-rated pictures for your partner though. Make them realize what they have waiting for them at home.
Keep your hair simple, but stylish. Do what makes you happy.
• I keep my hair the same where I use no product, and it stays the same, because I am one who will easily be distracted by the thought of "Does my hair look good?"
Don't be afraid to buy yourself something new.
• I went christmas shopping with one of my friends, and she practically encouraged me to buy myself a Michael Kors jacket. (I'm so in love) Don't over do it, because that moment felt special to me. It would mean much more if you do it every once in awhile.
Make sure your clothes fit.
• If you're in middle of weight loss please wait until you have reached your personal goal. A healthy reminder is beauty comes in all shapes, and sizes so love yourself. You're special in every way.
Be comfortable.
• Who wants to be uncomfortable? It differs from men, and women. Be aware you're going out wearing what you have on for yourself, and not to impress anyone else.
Don't make fun of other people.
• You're not better than anyone. So zip it. Kindness is beautiful.
Look at yourself in the mirror, and understand this is your runway.
• Don't worry about what others think, feel, or have to say about you. They don't walk your runway, you do. You have something they don't...courage. Be yourself, and make your walk all about you. Strut it by being yourself.
Following these tips will help make sure you are in great spirits before your everyday debut. I know because I live by these. Stay tuned as I share how I get ready for parties, events, and other well dressed invites. Remind yourself that beauty comes from within. It is the most important tip you can get from these words. Discover the beauty inside.
My Favorite Everyday Pieces
• One of my denim skinny jeans.
• A pair of boots from the "Call It Spring Collection."
• My black leather Michael Kors jacket.
• My silver Armani watch
• Black Armani glasses
I hope your next runway show is filled with love, joy, and confidence. Do you have favorites? Please share!
Paul xx
Have you checked out
The # 1 debut best selling book. Remember Who I Am: Poetry isn't just poetry...it's a story.
Hope is all one needs in a world that doesn't sleep- Paul
A Quest
Paul xx
Get Your Copy Now!Don't miss out on the #1 debut book for $2.99 Who I Am: Poetry...remember it's not just poetry it's a story. Also subscribe to my newsletter to receive unreleased pieces, exclusive offers, tips, advice & much more! |
As one more chapter is coming to a close tonight I hope you all are happy with what this year has brought you. If not, know you are loved. It will light the way. I wish nothing but blessings, joy, and of course love for you in the next. Ending chapter 22 with a bang, and looking forward to 23! Happy New Year!
Fear is powerful. It can control you- preventing you from finding your true happiness. Don't let worries, or the what if determine if you take action. Make your life what it is suppose to be. This is your movie! Take a good look into the mirror, realize you are a shining star.
One thing made me understand, and to find my way out of any type of fearful situation that caused negativity. What was it? The greatest mentor around, Rhonda Byrne. In her third book The Magic, I read about a way to bring myself out of that state of mind. Doing so helped me into place of believing, and showing me the goodness right before my eyes!
If you are struggling with fear, or a negative situation that is causing not one ounce of happiness, take a piece of paper, and write out ten things you are grateful for regarding the circumstance. I learned this method from one of Rhonda Byrnes teachings. Once you finish the list, and you're in a place of seeing the beauty, write Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for the perfect resolution. I promise you if this is done with gratitude you will see a change so fast that you will be so blown away, but most importantly you'll have your happiness back; which is the most important thing. So what are you waiting for? Make The Great Escape into happiness!
I kept myself closed in. I had great friends, a majority of them are still with me now, but walking the road I did/am I came/come in contact with a variety of different people. One's who are happy, bitter, lost, a leader, confused, compassionate, angry, kind, controlling, and sensitive. Those mixed energies surrounding me sometimes would make me feel anxious; until I finally gained control of myself. It is in our human nature to feel all different types of feelings. Feelings make us who we are. Right?
If you feel happy, you witness shivering joy from head to toe. If you feel angry, your nerves are so far beyond worked and you need to let it all out. (Make sure you don't take it out on someone else, that is not very nice) I've dealt with many controlling people in my life, and they are the definition of ego. Try your best to be a leader; care with compassion, help those lost by being kind, and help those who are sensitive to become strong again. Especially be that leader to yourself. You get my point? Feelings make us who we are.
We all walk the same yet a very different journey here on planet earth. Our souls chose to come and experience this adventure. If you see something you want, and you witness someone has it, that my friends does not mean you won't be receiving, it means you are on the right track, and to keep on going. You can not control when something will happen. You're only responsible for your own happiness. Be grateful you are on the road you are, and the best way to do so is, one must think freely, to see clearly. Remove any limitations you cursed upon yourself and fly up into the midnight sky.
*Remember all advice of the week is created by me, unless I state otherwise.
If you separate thanks, and giving, you will witness the two most important words one can learn in their lifetime. Why? Giving thanks means you appreciate. Think about it for a second, when you appreciate something doesn’t it give you more love than anything? Appreciation means not complaining, not judging, not being nasty to others; to yourself. When you give appreciation you get it back, but you really have to feel it within your heart. When you give thanks for the love you have, it is proven that you will get it back. The expression of gratitude is giving thanks for all that is before your very eyes, and that is appreciation.
Don’t just give thanks on Thanksgiving, give it every day of your life and to the people you love, every single day! Just ask my Boyfriend, my Mother, my Grandma, my Editor, my Best Friends, my Family and you guys, my readers, I tell you all how much I love you every day! I appreciate everything because I know my blessings. I didn’t really know them until I searched inside myself for my own happiness. I thank god every morning for the top ten blessings I feel need to be expressed with my heart; every morning.
The most two important words one can learn is thanks and giving. Isn’t it funny how simple it is? We all have been taught this for years, celebrated it our whole life and even in some philosophies every Thursday of the year is known to be Thank you Thursday. Give thanks every day, start small, but one thing is for sure your happiness will sky rocket. We all face struggles and giving thanks for the blessings during such a dark time will ensure you get to the light quicker than without. Like any relationship appreciation will bring more, try giving life a thank you every single day. If you already do, fantastic, and if you don’t it won’t hurt to try. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving; eat a lot, enjoy one another, be safe, and have fun!
Never Rush: Don't waste your life away.
Never Procrastinate: Turn your thoughts into projects.
Never Judge: Your only hurting yourself in the end.
My Favorite Tracks:
1. Mad Love
2. More Like Me
3. You Ruin Me
4. Cold
5. Cruel
The album comes out November 21st! Make sure to buy this outstanding long awaited music from these beautiful sisters!
When my boyfriend and I began to date, one of the very first things he said was, "You overthink. Calm down, everything is great." It didn't matter if it were a simple word, I would say to myself, "Oh was that too much? Oh my, what if I said too much. Did I sound insane?" The list of questions would ramble on and on in my mind.
My boyfriend and I were two years in of our friendship before we started to date. It began on the very day we hungout. In the years before we would keep in contact but never found time to meet. I was nineteen when we began to chat and twenty-one when when we first met in person. I was too stubborn to ask him to hangout first, I wanted him too. It was worth the wait because ever since that very day we became inseparable. Before him I couldn't even get a guy to take me out on a second date, they ran. In other cases I was like, yeah I don't think so and let them go that night.
It's quite funny looking back. I will remember this one thing forever, when I saw my partner at nineteen I knew he was mine. I even showed my friend a picture of him and said he's going to be my boyfriend. Come to figure out he actually is my soulmate.
He was never even into relationships until he saw me in person. I became his everything as he did for me. He is my one and my only. It didn't matter if I was overthinking or rambling on, he loves that about me, minus the overthinking. I learned those questions are my walls, ones I never even knew exsisted. They block that present moment from happening, you get so deep into your mind that you push away the good from your heart because you are afraid. We all been there. That's why my advice of the week fits perfect with this story; "Let yourself dream. Let yourself be. Let yourself free." What it means is, let yourself dream of a beautiful future, let yourself live in the present moment and let yourself free from all the past. It took me sometime and I am working on it, but I learned because who I am, is who he loves.
I was telling her about my novel and how I finally after twenty two years of living plus two and a half years writing it I finally reached the point that my editor is reviewing over my work. We also discussed our friendship and how it doesn't matter the distance with talking, we pick up right where we left off. I even discussed with her about a few of my future projects I have outlined. She was ecstatic and said these words below:
"You have the most perfect attitude and perseverance for it. I always knew you wouldn't settle. I'm sure your words and thoughts will be something many people can relate to and reflect on. I think we connected on a deeper level...you were always a great friend to me and talked me through whatever life brought my way. And I think you have the ability to do that for anyone you come in contact with. I'm proud of you for reaching a landmark you've always seen yourself at."
Those words really brought joy to me. When you come in contact with an old friend or anyone at that point share true words of love. You may make a persons day bright. It will bring you joy as well.
*All Advice Of The Week is listed under the category: Advice. Also all content is created by me, unless I put otherwise. I hope you enjoy these quotes I create weekly to share with you.*
Paul Travis
As of September 2016 This Blog Turned Into Weekly Highlights For Paul Travis. All Posts Are Made By A Team Member.
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To My Fabulous Fans
Who I Am: Poetry