Self-worth isn’t served to you on a silver platter—you have to build it, darling, one fearless move at a time. Trust me, I’ve walked the tightrope between being underestimated and being ‘too much.’ Judged, ignored, dismissed, envied, loved, appreciated, supported—I’ve seen it all. But through it all, I’ve always known my worth, even when I struggled to embrace it. Every decision I’ve made, even the messy ones (and trust, some of them were a hot mess), led me to this moment: confident, unapologetic, and owning my life on my terms. You matter and you are deserving of everything life has to offer. This post is all about channeling that inner powerhouse, owning your narrative, and turning heads while doing it. When I made the decision to open up and put my life on display over a decade ago, my goal was empowerment. I’d always felt judged, misunderstood, and underestimated. Sharing my journey became an opportunity to refine, reinvent, and embrace who I truly am—on my terms.
After everything I’ve been through in the last couple of years, I’ve come to a place where I’ve finally taken control of my self-talk and begun removing narratives that were placed from people on how I was made to feel, perceived as, their attitudes toward who I am, what I do and everything else that stems from those experiences. Those people made me feel, and those emotions I felt weren’t positive, so my subconscious mind, in some odd way, recorded those feelings which would turn into thoughts I would speak to myself about myself. For so long I’ve felt in a sense deep down I had to prove something to make myself feel better. I never really cared much about how people would associate their thoughts when it came to me yet still those words found their home inside me. It led to much anxiety that brought so much pressure where it would always hold me back and when I didn’t hold back that anxiety would make the experience unpleasant. Girl, I don’t have time for that anymore—like I’m done and done with the people who try to make it come back with their nonsense—and I knew something needed to be done to make space for my authentic voice so I can live my happiest life doing what I love to do. Here are 5 steps I’m taking for a healthier self-talk and if you want to improve your inner monologue, I hope this helps.
It’s your thoughts that shape you and your life so make sure it’s actually you talking not the noise from the people behind the flashing cameras. *Muah*
I feel like sharing another piece of poetry. This one has a line in it that has become the working title for my future poetry book way down the road. I was writing this poem and that one line came out of nowhere and it defined the areas and the atmosphere of which I’m sharing experience wise in poems I’ve been writing since last year.
If you read ‘Hood Of Your Car,’ thank you.
I’m yours, I’m true Our Perfectly Handsome Politician
New poem. I felt like sharing my growth in writing poetry after taking some classes and reading more poetry books. During my writing of this I was listening to two of my favorite artists: Lana Del Rey & Taylor Swift. I am not going to say much this time. I would like for my work to speak for itself. Thank you for all the love and support. I appreciate you guys. Just an update on the whole social media drama I had to endure...I am happy to say I was able to get everything cleared and get all my accounts up and running.
LOL I did however have a diva moment has you can see in the post prior. Now back to business as usual. I love you guys and thank you for always supporting me. You know what I say, another day new drama! I became victim to a hacker. I don’t know how. I don’t know who. But the reality here is, it happened and has brought Facebook to disable my profile and a suspension on my instagram due to my accounts being connected.
I’ve pulled a lot of efforts out and I am waiting on responses. The hard reality is, I may never hear back but I also won’t sit back and do nothing. Time to move on. I am writing this post because it’s not something I want to wait to tell you guys. I want everything out there…but I am not mad nor am I shocked. It wasn’t personal. I am annoyed with Facebook and Instagram though and I will never use their platforms the same again. Okay back to the main point It feels like a clean slate for me. I have clearer direction after the experience and battles I’ve faced which makes it easier to communicate my message more so now then ever before. Some may think social media was my selling point when it never was about that. My blog is my safe space, my selling point and my career hub. And I own this. It’s all mine. I had over 20,000 followers on instagram. And yes, it’s not that important and that doesn’t sound like a lot compared to the bigger picture but for a guy from good ole Scranton it was a win and something I am still proud that I was able to accomplish. I don’t value myself based on my social media stats but the truth is it became a role, one of which I played well. Even though I showed my real life and the moments I live which keeps me connected to people I personally know and those from afar. There were times I would catch myself saying, “wait this isn’t what they want to see,” so I never shared it but if I was being true to myself I would have shared it regardless because it is me being ME. It became more of a project rather than what I always intended it to be. It feels like being seen but never truly seen at the same time. I mean I won’t ever stop sharing the way I do and I won’t change who I am but in the meantime I am going to take this experience and truly embrace the positive side effects of it because all the signs are appearing to me. While things get sorted out I am going to keep doing what I do best but one thing I will never do again? Put the amount of time and attention I did to my social media. All of those efforts are going back to my blog and other things. Everything happens for a reason and I am excited to see what new adventures are yet to come. All the love. Enjoy your weekend, Paul As of current my social media profiles are enduring drama as a result of a hacker/compromised account. I am doing what I can to retrieve my accounts: Facebook and Instagram.
So the links you click won't work as those accounts no longer exist. Thank you for always supporting me guys. I have an update coming your way. Regardless of everything. I def have a new view on social media.
As the seasons' change and the adventures of life unfold we never know what’s awaiting us around the corner. It is up to us to try and make the best of what it is exactly. As I write this the birds are singing and beginning their day as I am doing the same. Before we begin I would like to say I hope all of you are staying safe both mentally, spiritually, and physically during today's climate. It has been over a year since I wrote a post on here—for a good reason of course. I wanted to fill you all in on everything while hoping to give a message of hope during such times. If interested just keep on reading.
The posts that will be coming out will be different from what most are used to reading, some will stay in the same vein but I am really going to be digging deeper and sharing more insights on things that I never have shared before about my life, lessons and advice—I might even begin to share short fictional stories again plus poems. I am already an honest, mouthy and sassy person who doesn’t hold back in general. This new season coming out in 2021 is going to be no different.
I have my hands in many different projects: novel series, memoir, music, my column, social media and blogging—there are other things I am brainstorming but let’s stay focused on what’s important…my writing. As I sat in front of this blank document, well, let me rephrase, as I was laying in bed thinking of what to write my ideas began to flow so now I’m sitting in front of this document writing as I type. It’s almost midnight which means it’s going to be a long night for me. I learned my lesson on not to promise a set of posts because I assumed I would have them all written but I don’t. Please forgive me…ha-ha! My head is in so many different directions that it’s time for me to tie down and focus on my BOOKS but part of me can’t abandon my blog…like ever! Continue reading to see what I am opening up about in this post with tips on how to help when you find yourself dealing with negative people.
Never allow others to dim your sparkle. Regardless of who they are, or in better words, who they think they are-Paul Travis Just Because You Don't Post It on Social Media Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen and Here's Why8/17/2019
We live in a digital age and I vibe with that! By the looks of it many others do too. Social media has become a big part of our life no matter what generation you are from—and a lot of people even make money because of it. Growing up in the social media age came with its pros and cons. The older I get the less I care for it yet can’t stop being part of it. In this blog post, the first to start my new blogging season, I am sharing my thoughts on social media from past to present and sharing behind the scenes of posts I upload to the world.
I've had so many people comment on my life because I don't share photos of me being outside, having fun with my friends, boyfriend or traveling like I do from a mirror-selfie, a selfie or a photo shoot but the reality is, I do a lot more than I share on social media. I don't need to prove myself or get validation from anyone plus my head isn't up my phones ass. |
What's My Blog About?Life, advice, beauty, style and of course all things fabulous.
Paul TravisSassy, Fun, Creative & A Bit Dramatic // Follow Me On My Journey. Stay Cute, xo Categories
January 2025
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